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Residency Classification


Residency, for the purposes of tuition, shall be determined under the provisions of RCW 28 b.15.012和28B.15.013.  Each 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College applicant shall be classified as either resident or non-resident for admission to the college in accordance with these provisions.

Supersedes: 7.P.05
Adopted by the board of trustees: 7/12/00
Last reviewed: __/__/__
政策 contact: Student 服务

Related policies and procedures
1400.220 Residency Classification 过程



To qualify as a resident student you must:

  1. Be financially independent and have established residence in Washington state for purposes other than education for at least one year before the beginning of the first quarter of enrollment, or
  2. Be a dependent with one or both parents (or legal guardian) having maintained residence in Washington state for at least one year before the beginning of the first quarter of enrollment, or
  3. Be the spouse or dependent of an active-duty military person stationed in Washington 状态.

Proof of residency is each student’s responsibility.  Acceptable evidence of Washington state residency for one year before enrollment can be:

  1. Valid Washington driver’s license.
  2. Voter registration card.
  3. Washington registration of motor vehicles.
  4. Purchase of property in Washington.
  5. Rent receipts (college residence hall not eligible).
  6. Verification of not having received financial aid from another state.

Contact the admissions office for further information residency

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/23/05
Presented to the board of trustees: 9/21/05
Last reviewed: __/__/__
过程 contact: Student 服务

Related 政策 and 程序
400.220 Residency Classification 政策